tools to unlock your full potential and achieve profound personal growth

work with elevate ventures


1-1 virtual and in-person sessions.

Play Empowerment

Unfortunately, in today’s society, the true definition of play no longer exists in the lives of our overly stimulated and over-booked children. Play is the language our adolescents speak and all children must have a place to express themselves in a way that is natural to their existence and safe in nature.

Corporate Wellness

Begin your wellness journey with full access to our live webinars and events. Discover your teams’ natural strengths, chosen interest, and embedded communication style. Cultivate a happy workplace by learning.


an eloquent symphony of self introspection.

cultivate a deep understanding of yourself and your needs.

Many people walk through life with a lack of awareness to who they really are. We can wake up every day and sink into our distractions and responsibilities. We check boxes, we want more, or we are simply in survival mode. One day you wake up and ten years have gone by. Understanding the why or why not of your actions gives you the power to answer truthfully on what and who serves your greater purpose on this earth.

learn to communicte and express those needs to others.

We use communication every single moment of our existence, through our breath, body, eyes, and our words. We are creatures who learn by observation and repetition. To truly elevate our communication, we first must understand and have a deep connection with ourselves. After this work is done (all though it will be a journey you travel with yourself until your last breath on earth) we can work on the balance between autonomy and dependence. We will cultivate a way of interactions that allow you to get your needs met while maintaining the relationships that you choose to have in your life.

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